Twin Flame, Lovers 1
Over the years, Hollywood had made movies about finding a Soul Mate, however in real life, it’s the Twin Flame* we should look for. A Soul Mate can come in many forms, not just a romantic other, they can be a Brother, Mother, a Dog, or all five of your Ex’s. A relationship with a Soul Mate will teach lessons and heal karmic scars, from this lifetime or another. Whereas, there is only one other flame to a Twin Flame.
A Twin Flame is a particle of light that is divided into two. This light can be scattered in time and space and it’s not every lifetime will you meet this ultimate other.
For further reading on Twin Flames check out, Prophet, E. C. 1999 Soul Mates and Twin Flames. The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships, Summit University Press.
*Twin Fames are souls who were created together in the beginning, two halves of a divine whole. Prophet, p2.
Twin Flame, Lovers 2